Dec 26, 2020
A very special holiday edition, as we examine some common themes of our show with the aide of Ebenezer Scrooge! Criminogenic variables, the various plateaus of desistance from crime, and so much more!
Dec 19, 2020
We are joined by Dr. Sarah Anderson, Edinburgh Napier University to chat Desistance, Truama, and so much more!!! Sarah shares her fascinating insights highlighted in her paper, The Value of 'Bearing Witness' to desistance. (Link Below)
Dec 12, 2020
Honored to by joined by Dr. Sarah Lewis, Director of Penal Reform Solutions of England. Sarah is also the founder of the Growth Alliance and the Growth Movement. From probation, to prison reform to desistance...we cover it all in this episode! Oh and listen for the Avengers reference film buffs!
Penal Reform...
Dec 5, 2020
This week we are joined by Jack Cowley, National Director, Prisons and Re-Entry at Alpha USA. Jack shares with us his 30+ years of insights beginning as a probation officer before eventually ascending to the position of warden...and so much more!
Links below as to content discussed in this episode!