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May 28, 2022

Soak in the enthusiasm of this week's guest, Alexander Rose! Joining us all the way from London, Alex talks about his passion for coaching and prisoner reintegration. Learn of his work as a Coaching Manager for Stand Out, a U.K. based charity.  Coaching, mentoring and career counseling, and of course, the importance of...

May 21, 2022

We are joined by another international subject matter expert this week, in Laura van der Zwet!  Learn all about the great work being done by the Dutch Probation Service. Specifically, their International Office.   If you have ever watched an episode of Locked Up Abroad, and been curious as to that experience, you...

May 14, 2022

We are joined this week by Britain's John Reed AKA The Story Teller Fellah!   John is the Director of Tutis Online CIC. His aim is to improve the experience of those caught up in the criminal justice system. He interacts with prisoners through music, poetry, and of course story telling.  We often speak of the importance...

May 7, 2022

Expand your knowledge as to the clients you may serve, as we learn all about the fascinating field of Neurocriminology from Dr. Jerrod Brown of Concordia University!  Discover the definition of Neurocriminology, and get a taste for how this knowledge may improve your skills as a helping professional.  If you believe in...