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Apr 29, 2023

This week, Dr. Jerrod Brown returns to the podcast to profile America's youngest serial killer, Jesse Pomeroy.  This case file serves as an excellent platform to discuss the emerging topics of Neuro Criminology and becoming Neuroscience Informed.  Set yourself apart as a practitioner and learn what the future of...

Apr 22, 2023

This week, we are joined by writer and director Jonathan Fisher. Jonathan  and his team have leveraged the visual arts to break down barriers and truly utilize the power of perspective taking!   Beginning with their first initiative, Project Lives, and continuing through their documentary, In a Whole New Way, Jonathan...

Apr 15, 2023

This week, Nina Hanssen joins us all the way from Oslo Norway to talk about her book, The Norwegian Prison System: Halden Prison and Beyond.  If you are curious as to the Norway model, or more to the point, the concept of Dynamic Security, this is the episode you have been waiting for!  Discover why...

Apr 8, 2023

Doctor Brown returns to profile yet another infamous serial killer. This week, we examine Fred West, one of England's most notorious offenders. Discover the precursors which may have contributed to his 20 year killing spree, as we once again attempt to highlight some of the factors which you may recognize in the very ...

Apr 1, 2023

We welcome back Martin Bean to conclude his amazing odyssey for us!   From being a federal prisoner to leading a crusade to leverage higher education into our efforts at lowering recidivism, Martin's  life has taken some eventful turns. This week, he shines a light on his efforts, up to and including the formation of...